Predator's Archery Winter Spot League


November 4th - February 29th
There will be 3 “BYE” weeks for the holidays (weeks of November 25, December 23, December 30).


Click here and fill out the form: Winter Spot Registration


In-Person participants: There is a one-time buy-in of $170. This covers the league fee + range use for shooting 1 session per week. Additional range time can be purchased at the shop.

Virtual/Remote Participants:
There is a one-time buy-in of $50*.

Important: All buy-in fees must be paid online or in person at the shop on or before the week of November 4th.

Purchase buy-in online: Winter Spot League Participant Buy-In
Buy-in for Remote Participants: Remote Participant Buy-In

* Remote participants are responsible for any fees incurred when shooting at your local archery range.


Everyone! This event is open to all archer experience levels – from “I’ve never done this” to the professional archer. There are a lot of good people involved in the league that will help everyone along the way. It is open to Cub, Youth, Young Adult and Adult categories.


There will be four (4) classes consisting of multiple similar styles
  • Freestyle (FS)
  • Bowhunter Freestyle (BHFS)
  • Barebow/Traditional
  • Freestyle Limited/Freestyle Limited Recurve/FITA

Tuesday - Friday:
6:00PM - close (scoring begins at 7:00PM)



The following applies to both local and remote participants.

  • A weekly Score Reporter will be used: League Score Reporter
  • A hard paper copy will also be used for backup and verification. This should be signed and turned in at the end of the shooting event each day. If multiple scores were completed for the week, your best score must be turned in by Saturday of that scoring week by 7:00 PM.
  • To qualify for the end of league awards, a participant must submit 13 scores.
  • Participants MUST report their weekly score by 7:00PM on Saturday of the scoring week.
  • Remote participants must upload a copy of their target face AND scorecard with the score submission. The target should be clearly dated with your name in the picture.

Participants will always shoot a standard Vegas round each week. However, there will be different ways to rank participants:
  • Handicap scores – we will apply handicap to scores and rank handicapped scores.
  • Raw scores – this is the raw score you shoot. We will rank participants based on their raw scores.
  • Results and ranking will be posted each week.
  • NFAA Vegas 300 round rules will be used. Basic rules include the following:
  • Shooting position will be at 20 yards for ALL participants (all ages, all genders, all equipment divisions)
  • Either a 40cm single spot target face or a Vegas 3-spot target face will be used.
  • A 60cm target can be used by Cub, Youth, and Young Adult recurve archers.
  • We will use the dual face Vegas target and archers can switch target faces (single-spot or three-spot) at any time during practice round and competition.
  • Arrow shaft must be touching the line for the higher score.
  • X’s will be counted and used as tie breakers
  • Targets will be swapped at half-time (if you started on top, your target moves to the bottom and vice versa).
  • League participants are responsible for reporting their scores EACH WEEK by 7:00 PM Saturday via the online reporting form.
  • If you know that you will not be able to submit a score for the next week (e.g. vacation), you may shoot an additional score with league admin notification prior to shooting the score.
  • Scores obtained outside of official league nights must be verified and submitted by Saturday night 7:00 PM the same week.
  • You must submit at least 13 official scores to be qualified for awards. A cumulative average score will be provided when no score is submitted for the week.
  • You may shoot multiple league nights (if space is available), however the FIRST score you submit online (via the league score reporting form) is the score that will be recorded for the week.
  • In the event of equipment failure during a scoring round have your partial scorecard initialed by a Predator’s employee verifying the failure; make a note that there was an equipment failure; and turn in the scores as normal. You will be allowed to re-shoot the round to turn in a score, however the deadline for the weekly score submissions is still in effect unless you have league admin approval.
  • All league participants will be invited to the league awards dinner regardless of status (dropped out, disqualified for awards, etc). Everyone attending the dinner will be responsible for their own bill. Location, costs, date, and time of the dinner will be determined BEFORE the league’s completion. We will try to make every reasonable accommodation to ensure everyone can participate in the dinner by planning early.
  • The “League Admins” will be the deciding entity for any rule changes or disputes.